
the view from the retreat site.

though we did not get ino our rooms until 2:30 am, we still had an 8 am breakfast call. followed by a full day of meetings, which orientated us with the staff and the peace corps peru program. it´s amazing how extensive the program here is. it has made me just as excited to be a part of such a prestigious peace corps country, though it will also be quite demanding.

the auditorium, where i spent my saturday.

the highlight was receiving my bracelet from the medical officer, it is a green & orange woven bracelet with alpacas on it, which is supposed to bring me good luck while i am here. i can only hope it will help me get better at spanish faster.

3 thoughts on “orientation.

  1. Christine says:

    This is awesome!!!

  2. Cat and Fox says:

    Wow, it looks beautiful! What is the name of the town?

  3. Monika (mom) says:

    I am glad things are going well. You are definitely going to make a difference there. Love you lots!!!

yes. please.